The maintenance development function shall include activities that ensure the management of maintenance documentation, including the configuration management, based on design and operational data as well as on performance and return on experience. This function, or part of it, may be entrusted to other contractors.

In order to obtain a certificate of conformity of maintenance functions only in relation to relevant maintenance function, the applicant shall submit an application to the State Railway Technical Inspectorate, observing the requirements specified in Regulation No. 2019/779 for each relevant maintenance function.

Certificates shall be issued, renewed, amended or revoked by the State Railway Technical Inspectorate in compliance with the requirements specified in Regulation No. 2019/779 for organisations applying for an entity in charge of maintenance certificate or for a certificate in respect of maintenance functions outsourced by an entity in charge of maintenance and the criteria for their assessment.

Jeļena Stepanova

Leading senior expert - room 21
jelena.stepanova [at]