The main basic principles of ethics of the State Railway Technical Inspectorate’s official
1. professionalism and efficiency:
- duties shall be carried out professionally, with a sense of responsibility, with precision and integrity, using best practices and experience;
- the duties shall be carried out in the interests of the public and of the Inspectorate;
- shall acquire the necessary work skills and abilities to perform their duties professionally;
- shall cooperate with other employees in providing or receiving assistance for the performance of duties and tasks;
- shall expand and deepen their professional knowledge by acquiring the necessary skills and abilities to carry out their duties properly and effectively;
- shall work in such a way as to reduce administrative burdens;
- the “advice first” principle shall be applied.
2. neutrality and independence:
- judgments, decisions and actions shall be in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- shall carry out their professional activities and take decisions independently of membership in political and social movements or organizations;
- shall fulfil its duties by promoting public confidence and refrain from activities that could influence decision-making and undermine the authority and the role of the institution;
- shall refrain from activities which could contribute to decision-making for the benefit of small groups without regard to the public and public interest;
- shall perform the duties in a non-discriminatory manner within the framework of regulatory enactments;
- the employee shall avoid any activity which would promote discrimination against national affiliation, sex, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation;
- shall respect the principles of equality when taking decisions or when dealing with railway matters.
3. objectivity:
- shall perform the duties objectively and fairly, while respecting the equality of persons before the law and without demonstrating special favors or privileges to any person;
- shall provide true information;
- the employee shall uses only verified information when considering issues and making decisions. The issues shall considered on their merits. As a result of professional activity, the employee shall make a decision based on the obtained facts and evidence;
- shall act objectively in a conflict situation, evaluating the arguments of the parties and seeking to find a solution to the conflict;
- the employee must be self-critical, shall be able to acknowledge and correct his mistakes and apologise for unethical behaviour. There is no allowed misuse of the knowledges and mistakes of your colleagues or other persons.
4. openness and loyalty:
- the employee in the performance of his duties shall avoid any exercise of power which may influence decisions, activities or actions;
- the employee in the performance of his duties shall be open to the public, in accordance with regulatory enactments and internal regulations, while respecting confidentiality and respecting privacy. It is not allowed to hide or support illegal activity;
- shall be loyal in its public statements to the institution and its operational goals, collegial relations and corporate culture - a set of values that are respected by all employees and that form its reputation in society;
- shall be treated with respect for professional requirements and legitimate interests in contact with other persons;
- shall be available, hear and provide answers of interest;
- shall be loyal to public administration;
- shall provide information on possible lobbying where consultations have taken place or information relating to decision-making has been received, as well as the preparation of draft legislative acts;
- shall avoid organising measures where lobbyists or organisations employing lobbyists could be financially supported;
- shall be provided with equal access to information in accordance with the information disclosure law to all lobbyists interested in deciding railway policy issues .
5. confidentiality:
- confidentiality shall be respected in the performance of duties;
- shall not be used the position of service and information obtained in the performance of the duties for the fulfilment of personal interests.
6. fairness and integrity:
- the duties shall be performed in good faith without taking advantage of the position of office for personal gain to himself or to another person as a lobbyist in a state institution;
- shall not take advantage of the position of service or position for the acquisition of personal benefit;
- shall inform the management of the cases in which he is a possible stakeholder, so that the management can mean the full, objective handling of the cases of other employees;
- shall avoid a situation where the lobbyist could be misled, giving the impression that the executor could provide him with access to senior officials or influence their decision.
7. impartiality:
- the employee performs his duties independently and independently;
- the employee does not succumb to influence;
- separates himself from personal interests;
- separates himself from external influence (group interests or material gain);
- based on true and verified information