The service is received by the entity in charge of maintenance’ who is responsible for the maintenance of the vehicle.

The applicant shall establish a maintenance system for those vehicles for the maintenance of which it is in charge and ensure the safe operation of these vehicles.

  • The maintenance system must:
    • ensure that vehicles are maintained in accordance with the maintenance file of each vehicle and the requirements in force, including maintenance rules and relevant TSI provisions;
    • implement the necessary risk evaluation and assessment methods established in the common safety methods, where appropriate in cooperation with other actors in the railway system;
    • ensure that its contractors implement risk control measures through the application of the common safety method on monitoring and that compliance with this requirement can be demonstrated by the contracts concluded  and these contracts are disclosed for the European Union Agency for Railways or State Railway Technical Inspectorate;
    • ensure the traceability of the maintenance activities.

Ērika Tihane

Senior expert manager in charge of business entities certification matters - room 22
erika.tihane [at]