The main principles of human resources policy in the State Railway Technical Inspectorate:

  • Competent, responsible and professional institution, which is part of the common railway space of the European Union, evaluating railway safety in the country.
  • Human resources are part of the management of the authority and are essential to implement the necessary core processes within it, including the requirements of European Union legislation.
  • Competent, qualified and motivated staff perform their tasks.
  • The staff of Inspectorate consists of:
    • core staff - functions and tasks prescribed to ensure safety and interoperability. It is a highly qualified specialist with good knowledge, high competences and extensive work experience;
    • management staff who provide essential support for the successful provision of core proceses and are familiar with the basic points of the railway system;
    • staff of a certain role who ensure a certain procedure and which requires the cooperation of the most competent experts of several units within authority and is separated from the units in order to respect the principles of independence. This is a highly qualified employee with specific knowledge and competences, familiar with European Union procedures.
  • A job description has been developed for each position, which defines the scope of duties, competences, experience, professional qualifications and responsibility.
  • The staff is based on the following core values:
    • professionalism;
    • quality;
    • responsibility of decisions made;
    • open work organisation culture;
    • equal requirements/attitude towards all participants of the railway sector;
    • development;
    • teamwork;
    • clear division of competences and responsibilities;
    • prohibition of any discrimination;
    • invulnerability.
  • The human resources policy within authority consists of:
    • staff selection;
    • assessment of resources;
    • determination and improvement of competences;
    • development of competencies and skills to maintain the high quality specialists;
    • assessment of staff based on common evaluation criteria;
    • development of a mentoring system;
    • development of an equal salary system;
    • work environment and culture.