European Railway Agency

The European Railway Agency (ERA) is responsible for monitoring and strengthening rail safety and interoperability throughout Europe.

The organization was formally established in 2004 by the European Regulation no. 881/2004, where are describe the Agency's tasks, structure and working methods with the railway sector representatives. The agency is based in two locations in France: the headquarters is in Valenciennes and the premises for international meetings and conferences is in Lille.

Headquarters address Valenciennes

Conferencing Centre address Lille

Agency postal address

120, rue Marc Lefrancq
FR 59307 Valenciennes Cedex - France

Espace International
299, Boulevard de Leeds
59777 Lille - France

BP 20392
FR-59307 Valenciennes Cedex - France


Phone: + +33 327 096-500

Fax: +33 327-334 065



The Management Board shall elect a Chairperson. The Management Board shall be composed of the representatives of each Member State, four representatives of the European Commission and six representatives of the railway organizations. The Management Board is part of the administrative and management structure of the Agency. The Executive Director shall direct the work of the Agency.

The Executive Board’s main function is to assist the Management Board, in particular, by preparing the decisions to be adopted by it, to ensure an adequate follow up to the findings and recommendations after investigations and the various internal or external audits. It is composed by the chairperson of the Management Board, four representatives of Member States and one representative of the Commission in the Management Board. 

The work of the European Railway Agency shall be governed by: