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Receiving restrictions

The single safety certificate shall be amended if the railway undertaking or shunter makes the changes referred to in Article 34.1, Paragraph eleven of the Railway Law and these changes change the conditions of the previously. The railway undertaking or shunter issue single safety certificate, an application for amendment of the single safety certificate shall be submitted. The application shall be accompanied by a statement that the risk management process for that change has been implemented in accordance with the common safety method for risk assessment and evaluation.

The submission of applications and documents, the request and circulation of all information, as well as the notification of decisions to the applicant shall take place through the One Stop Shop of the European Union Railway Agency.

  1. Railway Law
  2. Cabinet 09.06.2020. regulation Nr.375 “Railway Safety Regulations
  3. Commission 09.04.2018.  Implementing Regulation Nr.2018/763 establishing practical arrangements for issuing single safety certificates to railway undertakings pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 653/2007

The European Union Agency for Railways has developed: