Riepnieku iela 2, Rīga, LV-1050
The purpose of the Building Unit is to ensure efficient and transparent management and control of the railway construction process.
The construction department performs the following tasks:
- reviews construction plans;
- evaluates railway infrastructure construction projects;
- performs control of construction works.
Māris Liniņš
Head of Unit/acting deputy director in the field of construction issues - room 9
maris.linins [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Aleksejs Baikovs
Senior inspector in charge of building matters - room 9
aleksejs.baikovs [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Emma Moroza
Senior expert in charge of building management matters - room 22
emma.moroza [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Anatolijs Artemjevs
Senior inspector/ Senior inspector in charge of building matters
anatolijs.artemjevs [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Sandis Grīnbergs
Consultant of Projects
sandis.grinbergs [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Oļegs Andrejevskis
Consultant of Projects
olegs.andrejevskis [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Aleksejs Vasiļjevs
Consultant of Projects
aleksejs.vasiljevs [at] vdzti.gov.lv
Ārijs Tuņķelis
Senior expert in charge of building management matters
arijs.tunkelis [at] vdzti.gov.lv