The State Railway Technical Inspectorate participates in the work of the International Liaison Group of Railway Inspectorates (ILGGRI). The organized meetings facilitate the exchange of experience between independent European railway inspectorates and their representatives, as well as initiate many recommendations and legislative initiatives to promote railway safety.

With the active participation of the State Railway Technical Inspectorate within the framework of international working groups, harmonization of dangerous goods transport regulations in Latvia has been achieved both in accordance with the requirements of EU directives and the requirements of the COTIF Convention and SMGS regulations. In 2006, the State Railway Technical Inspectorate participated in the joint meetings of the UNECE Transport Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) and the RID Safety Committee WP.15 / AC.1, as well as the Organization of Commonwealth of Railways (OSJD) II Transport Regulations. Commission work on the rules on the transport of dangerous goods.


International organisations in the railway sector

UIC - International Union of Railways

HOPES - Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies

EIM - European Rail Infrastructure Managers

ERFA - European Rail Freight Association

ETF - European Transport workers' Federation

UNIFE - Association of European Railway Industries

UIP - International Union of Wagon Keepers